ONS reported we have over 500,000 illegal immigrants here this year in the UK.
Who would have ever thought this would have an effect on hospital waiting lists, dentist availability, ambulance response times, crime levels........
....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
ONS reported we have over 500,000 illegal immigrants here this year in the UK.
Who would have ever thought this would have an effect on hospital waiting lists, dentist availability, ambulance response times, crime levels........
here's my list of jw no-no's as i recall: .
1. no giving or accepting valentine candy for students.
2. no going to home coming football games.
Probably only relevant to the UK, you cannot buy Premium Bonds.
In a previous congregation there was quite a dispute over this and the elders had someone write to HQ for clarification. The answer came back that Premium Bonds are not for "Christians" because, although the capital cannot be lost you are gambling with the interest on the bonds.
For an organisation that has probably lost millions of donated funds in poor investments that sounds like double standards to me.
does anyone ever wonder the good they could have done instead of giving a public talk for 45 or 30 minutes?
i remember giving my first public talk aged 18 and even then i was thinking ' this is just me making up half truths trying to blind people with jw propaganda'.
fast forward 15 years to when i gave my final public talk and i was so close to seeding the 30 minutes with ideas that could possibly wake people up but i never had the guts.. in that 30 minutes i could have done so much real good for a person instead of spreading this awful religions dogma.
My first Public Talk, back in the 1960's was the full length version. It was about the flood and I actually believed it then. The audience clapped at the end, mainly relief that it was over rather than appreciation for the delivery I'm sure.
I do not remember anyone going out for a fag after the talk, we all had a cup of tea and then got on with the WT.
I don't think many in our congregation could manage an hour's talk, I certainly could not imagine listening to any of our lot for that length of time.
One slightly good thought, you were able to count an hour on your service report for giving the talk.
i wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
I have no idea what the earth will be like in 500 years or even 50 years but I dread to think of what England will be like then. The only good thing about being as old as I am is that I will not live to see it.
We are being taken over by uncontrolled immigration at a time when all our resources are stretched to the limit and beyond. We cannot watch a TV programme or even look at advertisements without thinking that the UK is a predominantly black country, not the 3-4% black as it really is.
Politicians, of all parties, have shown themselves to be just a bunch of traitors.
probably, the greatest advocacy for the gospels is the jw publication: the greatest man that ever lived.
it convinced me.. everything else that the bible says about the resurrection and eternal life logically follows.. the testimony of a “witness” in court matters only if it is observation not commentary ( expert witness is also commentary): what did you see, what did you hear, what is the magnitude of your measurement.
not, are you convinced; that is only belief.
I don't actually believe any of the miracles that supposedly took place.
The same is also true of the OT miracles, talking donkey, resurrections, she bears on hand to deal with delinquent kids etc etc.
the watchtower—study edition | december 2022.
6 jehovah has created us to find enjoyment in our work.
Knowing my luck I will probably end up working in a Lithium mine, needed to power all these tablet jobbies they will still be using in the New World.
what this guy publicises many russians will believe is solid truth.. i wouldn't want to be a jw in the former ussr countries these days.. https://bitterwinter.org/russia-sensational-revelations-jehovahs-witnesses-prepare-an-anti-putin-coup/.
Announced at our midweek meeting recently the WT Society are looking for accommodation (UK) for 663 publishers plus 198 family members displaced from Russia/Ukraine.
in the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
An old sister in our congregation some years ago was moaning about all the problems Satan had caused since arriving on earth in 1914. I asked her if she would have preferred to have lived 100 years previously so she would have never seen 1914. She was not amused!
the scottish jdubs are having tours of their refurbished hall.
won't that be a super fun day for the people of haddington!?😂.
"hello, here's the foyer leading into the main hall, there's the ladies, gents, and baby changing facility.
The last time I was at Haddington KH would be in the late 1970's, gave part of a Public Talk. Not this KH however though I cannot remember much more about it. We had lunch with a family afterwards, there were several witness families in the row of terraced houses, they were known locally as "Armageddon Row".
I knew a family who moved there many years later.
Did Paul Gilles come from there?
australian royal commission solicitor: “do you [the governing body] see yourselves as god's spokespeople on earth?”.
geoffrey jackson - “ah, that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.".
october 5th 2022 daily text: “we also need to trust in the only channel [the g.b.
It's called "Theocratic warfare".
Lying to you and me.